MME 15 years younger

First and foremost we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our thousands of beloved customers for their trust and confidence in us!

Our most precious families, employees, are the key players for the success of our company whose hard work, dedication and sense of ownership have made MME one of the most desirable companies to work for. We would also like to thank our other families at the startup of MME, who helped us in setting up our 1st workshop, parts ordering and warehouse.

We have been receiving unshakable support ever since we have engaged with our parent company: Hyundai Motor Company. Its current position in the global brand ranking is the cornerstone to our success. And our part supplier partner of Hyundai MOBIS has been our right-hand for all the after sales support we provide to our clients. During these past fifteen-years, delegates both from Hyundai Motor Company, as well as Hyundai Mobis have visited us to provide technical and strategic support. The contribution of Hyundai Motor representatives assigned to our market has also been fundamental to our advancement.

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